Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Trusting God

I've been reading and I've been thinking, those two things are not always good, especially together. Although I asked Jesus into my heart when I was 12, I don't have a relationship with Him they way a lot of Christians do. Its not that I don't want one, but I've never really understood how to have a relationship with Him. I pray, I read my bible, I attend church, I thank Him on a daily basis, and I try to display and show the kind of person I am because of Jesus. But I don't do a good job at that. I have anger issues and I have trust issues. I want to trust God with all aspects of my life, but I'm a control freak. Not as much as I use to be, but still a control freak.

People tell me all the time, to cast my burdens upon the Lord and then just forget them. That is a wonderful thing, but I'm human and as such, I still worry. I pray for God to show us where He wants us to be and what He wants us to do, but I'm afraid, not of what He might ask us to do, but what I might have to leave behind. Do you ever have these same thoughts?

My friend, posted on her blog, about if He called, what would you do? It's called At a Moment's Notice. Her blog address is and I highly recommend it. So I guess my question is the same, If God called me in the morning to follow Him, would I go? I would like to think that they answer would be yes, without a second thought, but would it really? Have you ever asked yourself that question. Could you leave behind your family, friends, house, worldly possessions and go to the far corners of the earth because God called you to go? Would you?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Has Your Heart Been Hardened?

Most people know the story of Moses, or as some people like to refer to it, The Ten Commandments. In the bible, Exodus, it talks about Moses and Aaron going to Pharaoh, but Pharaoh's heart was hardened and he refused to let the Israelites go. I think some times in our lives every one's heart because hardened at some time or another and you may not even realize it. It can be from being hurt by friends, family, co-workers or any one you may know. It could be a slight against your name, a cross word said, or something done that causes you to stop trusting, or it could be because some one takes advantage of you over and over. Whatever the reason, your heart becomes hardened and you become an untrusting, bitter soul. I just realized I was that person, and although I love my family, friends, and old co-workers, I am not or have not been able to really trust anyone in a long time. I guess it came back to being told over and over again, how rude, crude and abrupt I was, but that was because I'd been slapped in the face many, many times. Thought I was going to be commended or promoted only to be told I lack a quality that they felt was needed. Or I loaned people money and never got it back. However, over the last few months, I realized I'm receiving back what I gave over and over again. I will never be able to thank my family, Mara, Julia, Caity, Raven, and Momma enough for what they have done for me over the last few months, weeks. If it had not been for them we would not have had food in the cabinets or we might have been evicted, or not had any electricity. I know that God is working very hard in my life these days. I know that the part time job over at the church is where I need to be. I know that God is taking care of us, through my family and our church family. I want God to "chisel" away at the bad parts, and hold my hand and show me where and what I need to do. I know He is going to make it possible for us to move back to the pecan orchard, have utilities, and I know He is guiding my business with Vince, and that it will be what brings us through, when my husband's license are not renewed because of his wreck. All is in God's hands. It is God's battle and He will be victorious, and I want to be proof for those who do not know Him as their personal saviour. I want people to see what God can do for them.

Maybe it is time you search your heart and soul. Your heart might be hardened and you might not know or understand why? Pray. Talk to God. Ask Him for Help. Thank Him for what He has done in your life, even for those things that you might not realize He has directed. It some times takes a slap up beside your head before you see it. May God Bless You All. Love, L