I shared my self inventory this week with my sponsor. It was very good and cleansing and she pointed out some things I've never thought about, which was good. I am now ready to move on to the forgiving, making amends and confronting those that have hurt me in the past, or at least those that it won't hurt. This step may take some while because the books say to wait until the timing is right. I'm praying for Jesus to show me those times and to help me make these amends.
One thing else I discovered is this, I will overcome what I started recovery for in the first place which wasn't drugs, alcohol or and addiction like that, it was to deal with the hurts, hangups and habits from my past. It was dealing with the feelings of betrayal by people I trusted, who turned me to not trusting. Recovery is never ending. You may succeed in overcoming some addiction or habit, but there will be things in your life that cause issues, but with recovery you have to the tools to overcome and it never gets to the point where you started recovery to begin with.
The meetings are what gets you through. Yes the books are essential, but sharing and knowing that there are other people that maybe experiencing what you are, is very helpful. You are not judged on what you did, how you dress or what you say. It is wonderful! You walk in and are immediately welcomed and you can feel God moving and working.
I know that God sent me there for a reason, and I will be to the point where I can help others through their journey soon. May God Bless you all! Have a God filled day! I do every day! Love, L