My husband and I don't have cable television but we do belong to Netflix and we rent from block buster express. We were quite surprised this last week when one of the movies we rented turned out to be one that was made by Sherwood Church in California. The name of the movie is "To Save A Life" or "Save a Life". It is about young boy that is a senior in high school and how his starting to go to church transforms his life.
The movie does contain some cursing which when we found out it was produced by church shocked us just a little. Nothing outrageous but some. It centers mainly on the youth at this church and the background and problems of the students and how the young boy takes a stand as a christian to make a difference.
I wish we all had the strength and courage to do this.... but alas, we let the world dictate who we send our religious emails to, our religious view in blogs to, and who we share our testimony of faith with or so it seems.
Writing is a gift I was given by God and I have been writing for years and I just keep honing my skills. My writing dream is to be a published writer. I would love to write for a Christian website and to get a book with a Christian base published. I want to reach others and bring them closer to Jesus.
If you have seen other movies like Fireproof, Left Behind, Apocalypse, and this one to Save a life, share them in your comments. I love watching these types of movies and sharing my views on Christianity.
Be Blessed! Have a God Filled Day! Love, L
Another good one is Fly Wheel. They are great movies and share important aspects of being a Christian. I am confused to as to why they put cursing in them when it isn't necessary especially since we assume it's Christian it's kid friendly. Another one you might like is Letters to God. It will make you cry though be prepared LOL