As I sat this morning reading my bible and praying and talking with God, this question came into my mind, "Am I putting God first in all of my life?" As I prayed I asked for guidance and wisdom and the strength to live each day, one day at a time. I do that every time I pray because I am human, and I worry about things that I shouldn't. We as Christians should have faith in God to take care of us, and trust Him to take care of our needs, and not worry or rely solely on ourselves to handle our problems. We are instruct to give our burdens to Jesus, to live them at the cross and to follow Him. I try to do that every day, and it is hard. We want to fix things ourselves and honestly we as humans are not capable.
We forget that God is always with us, during the bad and during the good. So why is it we only pray the hardest when things are bad? Because when things are good we think we are doing that and therefore we don't think we need Jesus.
That is incorrect of course. We need Jesus all the time and when things are going right, that means He is there handling things, because let's face it, when we try to take care of things on our own, we mess them up and most of the time cause more issues. When things are right we should be thanking Him above all else and praising Him for what He is doing. It is from the wisdom and knowledge that Jesus gives us that we do what is right. Is is an easy life to trust fully in Jesus? To have faith that He will answer our needs? No it is not easy and when we do start to rely solely on Him, Satan is going to make our lives harder and throw obstacles upon obstacles in our way.
Don't give up. For He that is within us is more powerful than he that is in the World. I read that verse in the bible this morning, but don't ask me where. I read about six chapters this morning and I realized a lot when I was reading. What might you ask?
1) I am not good at reading my bible daily. Actually I suck at it. So as of today, that is a new priority.
2) I do pray almost every day, but lately have been lax. So as of today, that too is a priority.
3) Do I put God first? Well I try to most of the time. But what I realized today, is that I have been praying for Him to help me to use my writing to make an income, but I am not doing my part. So as of today, until I get my website to where I want it to be, and my writing income where I want it to be, no more playing on Face book.
4) I know the two great commandments, but do I obey them all the time. I guess the honest answer to that would be no. Although I am going through recovery for a lot of things, alcohol being the least of those, I still have issues. I do hold grudges, and I have been judgemental and those are things I struggle with constantly.
So as of today, I am going to try to be totally honest with myself and I am going to strive to be a better Christian and obey the two great commandments. Will I succeed? Only time will tell and as I grow in my walk with Jesus, I hope to succeed without stumbling. However, I do know that when I do stumble, I can go to God, and He will pick me up, wipe the dirt from my knees and love me anyway. He will never forsake me or leave me.
I hope that some how in my blog post that I reach the hearts of other Christians, and maybe those that are lost. Christians struggle every day to live for Christ. It is not an easy walk, and no one ever said it was going to be. May all who read this be truly blessed by God, Seek Him in your life, and place Him before anything and everyone else. My Jesus is first! My husband comes second!. Love, L.
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