God listens to our pleas, prayers, and cries and you should never doubt that..never. Sometimes when we pray I'm not sure we always really mean what we say. Sometimes people pray what my mom and dad called, "Canned prayers." You know it is the same prayer that they say every day, every week. Those are canned prayers. Kind of like when you are a kid and you are taught to say grace or the blessing of the food at the dinner table. "Fold my hands, bow my head, Thank you Lord for this good bread, Amen." or "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, if I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take."
Something you are not really taught to do in church as you grow and attend is how to pray. As an adult I sometime still struggle with prayer. A friend told me this, "It's just having a conversation with Jesus." That is true, and so that is what I do now. For a month or so, I have been praying for God to give us direction, and I think He is answering that prayer. It's just like the prayer I do, when I ask the Lord to do in me anything He needs to do, in order for Him to do everything He wants to do through me. I thought about that a long time, before I prayed that on a daily basis. Why? Because I wasn't really sure I was ready. If you ask God to do something in your life, make sure you are ready to accept the assignment that you are asking for, when you ask.
I've been married for almost five years, but before I met my husband, I felt called to work in missions. I even attend Criswell College in Dallas for one semester so I could learn more about the bible. Things happened and I kind of stepped away. I still feel that God is calling me to do something for Him, and I am gladly willing and ready to accept. Since I've been married, I've wondered how my husband would feel if I were called by God to work in some mission for Him. Now I'm not talking about missions in the foreign field. I'm talking about missions here in the United States. We have much that needs to be done here in the United States without having to leave the country to help people to Christ.
A friend of mine that is married to a preacher, said this, "If God calls you to do work for Him, He will make sure both of you are ready before He calls one of you." I took that to heart and I know that is true. God is truly at work in our lives, and we are having to learn to trust Him.
Early this week, I had an ongoing conversation with God on one side in my head and Satan on the other side in my head. God won and always will. I was seriously starting to doubt my Faith in God. Why?
Well first I got sick around the middle of October and was still quite sick until just before Thanksgiving. Norman got sick about the week before I started getting well. He is still fighting it, but is much, much better. We have not had much money and he has had one or two little jobs since the end of October. I had to seek help from the Methodist Church here in Emory to help us pay our electric and they agreed to pay half of it. However, the payment got there the same day as the disconnect. So we were without power for 4 hours or so. I have applied for numerous jobs and have not received one interview call. Norman does have a job to start on Tuesday, but not sure how big, how long, I am still working at the church about 18 hours for two weeks, and I was writing for two people. One of my writing gigs ended on Friday due to her hand being broken and she won't open back up until after the first of the year. So what do we do? I am praying and still looking for a job.
This is what I know. God is going to provide for us and we will be moving in the fall of next year or late summer. How we survive between now and then will be by trusting in God to provide for all our needs and that is all we ask for. I will continue to work at the church and do whatever else I can find to do. God has answered my prayer for directions in that I will be able to work for my sister at www.rememberwhenranch.com teaching, and working on the ranch. My husband has a job there too, if he wants it.
God does hear us, and He does answer us. So make sure you are ready, and stop praying canned prayers. Be sincere in your heart, and tell Jesus how you feel, who you are worried about and Thank Him for everything in your life. It is there because of Jesus.
God Bless You all.
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