Even though I haven't been sleeping well, my whole being is filled with this calmness I can't explain. My dreams of late have been surreal and I jerk awake in the blink of an eye. I never have a full scene in my dream. Some how though I know that God is about to reveal something to me, us, my family something. It is this very uncanny feeling I have that something is about to happen, not bad, something good.
God is working and moving in our lives. He does provide even when we don't realize it to start. My work week or weeks will be short by 1.5 to 2 hours this pay period because of Christmas Eve and the office or church being closed. To show that God does provide, I received an order for dog treats yesterday and it will be double the amount I would make for those 2 hours.
Deep in my heart, I know that the move we are planning is the right thing to do. Norman can work on the ranch or work off the ranch, whatever he prefers. I will work on the ranch and go to school. It is out in the country. We will have room for Sioux to run and if I want a couple of beagles, I will be able to do that as well. God is providing for everything except our personal bills. There won't be housing or utility costs and we don't have to leave the place if that is our desire.
I know that God is guiding us. Yesterday while I was cleaning, I saw the bible verse, "Be still and know that I am God." I know without a doubt it is Him talking to me. Don't get me wrong we are a little scared about moving, but staying here, in East Texas we will continue to struggle to survive and make a living.
I picked up my journal this morning for the first time in 14 days. I thought about that, and I guess it is because I am at peace and don't need to write my feelings down. I've been praying, actually I'm not sure I ever totally stop. I talk to God off and on all day. He has done wonders in my life, our life, and it just keeps getting better.
Do you have a relationship with God? If not, do you need to know how to get one? If you are a child of God, you should have a relationship with Him. I'm not talking about going to church and filling a pew. I'm talking about believing in Jesus, that He died for our sins, and rose again, and that He sits on the right hand of the Father. I'm talking about believing that He was born of a virgin. He is the son of God. He is the word made man. You have to study His word, believe what He tells us, and pray. He will take care of your needs.
May you all know God personally. May you all have a God Filled Day! May You receive blessings upon blessings!
Merry Christmas!
Love, L
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