I wear an ipod or mp3 portable device when I clean at the church. I sometimes wear it when I am riding my bike, but I only ride it for just now up to 7 minutes and 3 miles. Anyway, as I said in my last post, I talked about the song by 4Him, The basics of life.
So what are the basics that we need in life? Well if you were born in the 80's you might say, a vehicle, microwave, television, computer and some kind of gaming device. If you were born in the 90's it would include the internet, cell phone, unlimited bank account and a college degree paid for by someone other than yourself. Okay, so that might be a little harsh, but a lot of kids that are going to college now, think that their parents should foot the bill. They feel they deserve it, even if they are not planning on using their degree. Okay so that is another post.
Really though what are the basics, that we as adults need to survive in this world? I'm not talking about material things like an expensive house, or car, or designer clothes. I'm talking basics. You know like a roof over your head. Does that mean that you are entitled to a home of your choosing? No, it means a place that is warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and dry when it is raining. What else is it that we need? Food on the table right? Does that mean that society is to pay for your food? No. Does it mean that you take your food stamps and go buy steak and lobster? It shouldn't, but I have seen that done.
It the days of the bible people ate bread, drank what wine, but it is not like the wine of today. It was actually a mulled ale or something along that lines. If you had meat it was from your flock. You grew your food and made your bread. We take a lot for grant these days. We think we must have meat with every meal, flavored coffee or an espresso, and those are not requirements to survive. Could I give up coffee? Probably not with out something else addictive to take its place, but I don't drink flavored coffee so I don't go spend $5.00 on a cup every day. Okay again another post.
So food and a roof are two of the basics. Air of course is a given, water to wash with, clean and bath with are also a necessity. What else would you consider a basic that you have to have in order to survive?
God should be first in our lives no matter what. Our spouses and our children come next. Those are also basics that we need in order to survive in this world today. Without our faith and belief in God our lives are meaningless. The more that God is removed from our society, the worse it gets. So God is a basic that we must and should keep first and foremost in our lives. It is not something we always do. God never leaves us, but we do walk away from Him.
Please share other things that we must have as a basic in order to survive in this world. They say that technology is part of the progression in order for us to survive in a changing world. Is that true? It all the computers, telephones, cable TV and video gaming systems disappeared tomorrow, would life stop?
Think about that. Share your thoughts.
God Bless!
Love, L
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