Friday, February 25, 2011

The Awesomeness of God

I've been blogging for quite awhile now and there are times when I really wonder if anyone reads what I write.  Not that I should be recognize, but sometimes just because I wonder if anyone else has the same thoughts that I have about things, especially God, Faith, Scripture and religion in general. 

Over that last few weeks or maybe the last couple of months, it just seemed that no matter how hard I or we tried to get things caught up and together, another obstacle would smack us.  I have tried on many occasions to just "Let Go" and "Let God", but that is extremely hard to do.  I have a running conversation going on with God most days.  Some times it is just me talking or thinking about life and asking why things happen the way they do.  Other times, it is on my knees or laying prone asking God to please help me.  Don't get me wrong, I don't just go to Him when we are having difficult times, I thank Him all the time for the things we have, the things He has provide, because I know that without God our lives would be meaningless. 

I usually write on here about attending recovery and what the experience is like.  Most of the time, I don't get any comments, but my last post received a comment from a new follower.  We will just call her T for the moment.  She is struggling, and I want to ask for my followers of this blog to pray for her.  She is trying to get well, and complete recovery.  She state that I had inspired her!  I was amazed.  Never have I thought of myself as an inspiration to anyone.  But if my posts on here can help her, I'm here for her and I want to share more to show her that it is possible. 

So with all that being said, I am going to try to get through the Amends portion of recovery.  I'm going to write letters to the people I need to write them to and get it all on paper.  Now it will be in God's hands whether or not I give those letters out, or just put them in a box to be found when I'm dead and gone from this world.  Either way, I need to complete this step.  I want T to be able to complete her recovery and go through the steps and succeed. 

A word to anyone else who might have addictions to alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, food or anything that is an addiction, you can succeed, but you have to really want it.  You need God, you need scriptures, and the best recovery steps are those that have a biblical background or so I feel.  Celebrate Recovery is an excellent program.  Check your local churches.  Remember you have to really want it!  You can't do it alone, but God is always with you no matter what the circumstances.

God Bless you all!  I'm here for your T. 

Love, L

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