Monday, November 30, 2009

Today's Words

Psalm 6

1O LORD, rebuke me not in thine anger, neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure.
2Have mercy upon me, O LORD; for I am weak: O LORD, heal me; for my bones are vexed.
3My soul is also sore vexed: but thou, O LORD, how long?
4Return, O LORD, deliver my soul: oh save me for thy mercies' sake.
5For in death there is no remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks?
6I am weary with my groaning; all the night make I my bed to swim; I water my couch with my tears.
7Mine eye is consumed because of grief; it waxeth old because of all mine enemies.
8Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity; for the LORD hath heard the voice of my weeping.
9The LORD hath heard my supplication; the LORD will receive my prayer.
10Let all mine enemies be ashamed and sore vexed: let them return and be ashamed suddenly.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

If you could ask God one question....

I've been thinking about this for a while now and I'm not sure I still know only one question to ask God. If I can only ask one, it would be one that ask in a wide sense of the word, "Why?" I have the need for much knowledge and understanding from God. Why is the word that would start my questions. Why is there so much evil in the world? Why do some women have baby after baby, and some women try so hard to conceive and never do? Why do some people who are faithful have one hardship after another? Why does it appear that some people who don't care about anything, have life laid at their feet on a silver platter? Why do some Christians, just stand by and watch people struggle? Why does the church support overseas missions when there is so much to do here in our own country? Why are there so many different religions when we all have the same bible? Why, why, why????? I know some of those whys can probably be answered with out asking God, but I want to hear it from God's lips. I want to sit beside God and just have a normal conversation about everyday life. I want to look at God and say, "Please tell me why," and I want Him to reach out and take my hand and pull me to sit beside Him and hear Him say, "Because child......".... May God Bless you all... I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and I wish everyone a Merry Christmas... Please remember why we celebrate Christmas... Love, L

Monday, November 23, 2009

I Struggle

I struggle that my walk with Jesus is not where I want it to be, but I try daily to improve it.

I struggle everyday as a believer. I struggle with temptation and some days the devil wins, but Jesus forgives me.

I struggle on how to be a witness for others. Can you look at me and see that Christ lives in my heart?

I struggle with a past that still plagues my future. Past transgressions that took place after I asked Christ into my life. But through repentance and because of the Grace of God; I have been forgiven.

I struggle with a thirst to consume the entire word of God, but cannot read and study fast enough, but I push on.

I struggled with doubts about my salvation and faith recently, but Christ has reassured me, that I am His.

I struggle with worry for my friends and family who don't know Jesus, who have been led astray, and who let the world retain a hold on them, but I pray for God's intervention.

I struggle to live a life for the Lord and know that He hears my pleas, and knows my heart, and sees my needs and my desires. I know that only He can fulfill me.

I struggle with my place in this world, but I know my Lord is in control. I know as I struggle and stumble, God picks me up, dusts me off, wipes away my tears, and says, "Ssh my child. I hold you in my arms. No harm come to one of my children."

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Logic Dictates

Recently on one of the police shows I watched, I heard a profiler make the following comment: Logic dictates that if you believe in one, than you must believe in the other. They were talking about believing in God and the devil.

I had never really thought about that statement but it is true. If you confirm the existence of God, then you must confirm the existence of Lucifer. The bible tells us that Lucifer rebelled against God and he and his minions were cast out of heaven. Lucifer took a a third of the angels. You can read this in Revelations Chapter 12.

I've heard people say why does God let that happen? Or Why does God let people get sick or keep them from having babies? Why does everyone automatically assume God is at fault for these things? Evil has free reign in our world and we have free will. We are responsible for our choices and temptation is always in front of us. Even as Christians we are still tempted by sin and commit sins. God can step in when we ask for His help, His forgiveness. He knows our needs but we have to ask. The devil introduced sin into this world and although his reign will be short, he is allowed to roam this earth.

Evil is the handiwork of the devil and his minion of demons. The dragon was thrown out of Heaven because he started a rebellion against God. God is not to blame for our maladies, illnesses or the diseases of this world - Man and evil are the ones responsible. If we as Christians have the ability to heal the sick, cure disease or raise the dead, why is there still all of that in the World? Remember God is not responsible for the evil of this world.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I can only imagine

Do you wonder what it will be like Heaven? What do you think it will be like? Will there be streets of gold, mansions on hills and angels flying all around? Will there be big family get togethers? Will you know the ones that have gone before you? Will you be greeted by your loved ones or St. Peter? Will you go straight to see Jesus and stand before God? Will you relive your life, past transgressions and see all the wrongs that you have done to others as you are being judged? Once judgement has been passed, what job will you be assigned? Do you get to choose? Will you share a home with your loved ones? Do you think of dying and are you scared? Or do you look forward to going home to live with Jesus, where there is no pain, no tears, no heartache, no sadness? Do you look forward to no more sickness or diseases or illnesses?

What do you think Heaven will be like? I can only imagine, just like the song by Mercy Me. Will we be so overcome by the presence of God that we cannot speak and can only fall to our knees? I look forward to the day I go home and if God calls me home tomorrow, I am ready. I do get a little apprehensive when I think about it though, again not because I'm scared to die, but I don't want to forget my loved ones or have them not know me. I do want to go home to be with the Lord. I look forward to living pain free and being glorified. I am ready to go, but I also want to be a little selfish. Why you ask? I just met and married my soul mate, and I'm not ready to leave him or have him leave me. Do you think God understands our human emotions about living our spouses? Do you think He understands when we don't want to let someone go? I know God knows what is in our hearts and He understands our tears, but I still wonder. What about you? Tell me what you think Heaven will be like. Love and God Bless, L

Saturday, November 7, 2009

A conversation with God

I know you hear my thoughts and see what is in my heart. I know you hear my cries of pain, sadness, and anger. God it has been a truly weird week. Thank you for blessing me and my family. I thank you for the man I'm married to as it is without a doubt that you gave him to me. Thank you for my family, friends, and even those that are not close, but acquaintances, and some that are some times my enemies. Thank you for healing my best friend. I ask that you bless those that are in need. Answer the prayers of those that are ill, sick or need your help. Father, I ask for directions because it seems that I am fumbling in the darkness. I ask for strength to beat my demons and banish them forever. I ask that you answer the prayers of my sisters and help them to achieve their goals and wishes and support their families. I ask that you bless all my family, blood relatives, and my family by marriage. Father heal those that are sick and too weak to make it day to day. Father thank you for your son, who died so that I might live. Father I ask for wisdom and knowledge to do what I must and to handle the things that you leave for me to deal with. Father I give you all my needs, desires and wishes. Father I know that you will provide for us what we need when we need it. Father, I ask for wisdom for my sisters, mother, father, in laws, out laws, and all in between that they will do your will. Father please help those with addictions to fight their battles. Give them strength to make it through. Father, I ask a special blessing for my daughter and son in law, that they will have a closer walk with you. Father I ask you to bless them with a family. Father I know that I don't always do what you would have me to and I know that I sin. Father please forgive me for those sins of doubt, fear, hatred, anger and all those that I don't realize I have committed. Father I ask that you show me where I need to be, and what I need to do. Help me to understand your word as I read. Show me, help me, and heal me and most of all, Father continue to love me. I know that none of us are perfect and as hard as we try we cannot live your perfect will. We try but we all fall short. Help me Father to be a better person, more forgiving. Help me to get pass worrying about what others think of me. I know that all that matters is what is in my heart, and what you see in my heart. Father I ask that you give wisdom and knowledge to this world's leaders that they will make the right decisions. Father protect us all from false prophets and false teachers. I ask this in the name of the Father, the Son and The Holy Ghost. Amen.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

God's Message Today

I've not been up long this morning and it was a very long and sleepless night last night. My best friend is sick and I don't know what to do for her. Dixie, my cockerbeagle stopped eating Sunday night and threw up a couple of times last night and has been running in and out of the doggie door with stomach problems. Her stomach was cramping last night. I gave her Pepto twice yesterday and some pain reliever last night. She slept outside most of the night and that is not something she ever does. She is not a young dog. I've had her for almost 10 years and we have been through some rough times. The thought that I might lose her is upper most in my mind and has been since late last night. I will be taking her to the vet today, this morning as soon as I can get in. On top of this, we have no work, so no money is coming in. So my stress level is very high. I pray every day and sometimes four or five times a day. Maybe not a prayer that is 5 or 6 minutes long. It may just be words like "Thank You God", "Help me Lord", "I love you God", or "Show me God", or lately, "Help me to Understand God." Sometimes when we think all is lost, and there is no hope, we forget to go to God. Sometimes we think we are too insignificant to really matter. Or maybe we think we are being punished for something we did or didn't do. My devotional today was a message from God, directed to my insecure feelings. The message came from Acts 9:11, it ends with "Behold, he is praying." Simply said, direct. The message said that even if the words are unable to be spoken, and only tears and sighs can be uttered, that God knows what we need and that heavens sings with music. Our tears are caught by God, and He loves that we have come to him for help. Remember that prayer is a very strong tool and can get us through the darkest times. We don't have to say anything for God to hear our cries and pain. We just have to bow in prayer. I have done this at least twice this morning already, and know without a doubt that it will not be the last time today that I go to God. Talk to God. Tell him your needs. Ask for His help. May God Bless You all today. Love, L. Read Pslam 56:8