Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I Try

In recent weeks I have handed my life to God.  Although He never left me, I turned away from Him and thought He had turned His back on me.  I'm trying to live one day at a time, and let Jesus take care of my hurts, hangups, habits and addictive compulsive behaviors, because I know that without Him, there is no cure, and my life is meaningless.  I want everything I do to shine so bright with Him, that everyone will want to know who He is and how they can have Him in their life.  My brother in law has a bible verse that he frequently mentions.  I think I'm going to adopt it for my motto.  It is  "Abstain from the appearance of all evil."  1 Thessalonians 5:22.  Think about that scripture.  Think about what is evil.  Think about what you do, say, wear, think, consume, and portray to others around you.  Is there anything you do that would not appear to be good?  Would not appear to be Christian?  

This is a conversation my husband and I often have.  It doesn't say in the bible that you can drink.  But it does say that your body is a temple and to treat it right.  Here is another thought.  How can you drink yourself drunk and proclaim to be a Christian?  I mean it is a little hard to testify to the person behind the cash register what Jesus has done in your life, and how He has helped you when you are in there every week buying a case or two of beer.  What kind of testimony is that!  It is the same with the way you speak, act, and what you wear and how you portray yourself to others.  Don't be a hypocrite!  Don't attend church on a regular basis and then spend Friday and Saturday night drinking, drugging or whatever.

Be honest with yourself.  Get your heart right with Jesus and then get your life right and live like you are a Christian.  That you love Jesus Christ with all your heart.  Don't blame everyone else for what is happening in your life because of the way you live.  Take responsibility and get on your knees and ask for God's forgiveness and get back on the right track. 

Now for those of you who are going to read this and read more into than is there, I have one word... DON'T.  This is aim at no one, but I just lost my temper, yelled at someone on the phone and cursed really loudly.  I was immediately convicted for my sins and I hit my knees and cried and asked Jesus to forgive me.  So before you think I'm pointing fingers at you!  I'm not!. 

However, I hope you will all read this and think hard about it.  May your day be completely Filled with God.  The one and only true Living God!.  I have eternal life because He died for me and rose again.  I want to do all I can to bring Him glory.  How about you other Christians?  What is your goal for bring glory to God?

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